Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

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ethical hacker
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Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby ethical hacker » Thu Apr 18, 2024 6:52 am


We have been engaging with computational devices since the advent of the Windows 90 operating system. Irrespective of the specific system in question, given sufficient time, it is susceptible to unauthorised access, a testament to the reality that no system is entirely secure. We possess proficiency in a myriad of web-based, desktop, and mobile programming languages.

Privacy And Security For Our Customers

Before availing of our hacking services, it is of paramount importance to bear in mind certain crucial considerations, both for the preservation of your privacy and the safeguarding of your security.

Under no circumstances should you provide information that is excessive or directly pertains to your own person.

What precisely do we mean by this?
For instance, should you wish to gain unauthorised access to your girlfriend's Instagram account, it would be inadvisable to specify the nature of your relationship with her. Refrain from delving into unnecessary details; instead, simply respond to our queries in a concise manner to ensure the successful completion of the task at hand.

Furthermore, should the client so require, we are able to employ PGP encryption to facilitate a more secure and private mode of communication.


Should you wish to avail yourself of our esteemed hacking services, kindly adhere to the following protocol:

1. Kindly send us a PM detailing the work to be undertaken, accompanied by any queries you may have. Alternatively, you may comment on this publication, and we shall promptly respond.

2. Once all ambiguities have been resolved, please specify whether you wish to remit payment in Bitcoin (BTC) or Monero (XMR). Please note that should you opt to utilize the BCW Escrow System, payments must be made exclusively in BTC. Kindly peruse this publication with meticulous attention: viewtopic.php?f=38&t=48
If you want to pay in XMR (more anonymity than BTC), it will be to us directly.

3. Upon confirmation of payment, we shall provide you, via private message, with the requisite details necessary to proceed with the task (e.g., the social network link to be hacked, the URL of the website, the telephone number, etc.). The specifics shall depend on the particular service requested.

4. For your security and peace of mind, we strongly recommend the utilization of the BCW Escrow Service.

Most common services:


  • Delivery Time = 24 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = + 90%
  • PRICE = $500 USD


  • Delivery Time = 24 - 48 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 85%
  • PRICE = $550 USD


  • Delivery Time = 24 - 48 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 95%
  • PRICE = $550 USD


The majority of contemporary smartphone models supporting this functionality.

  • Delivery Time = 48 - 72 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 85%
  • PRICE = $700 USD


The process of obtaining full access to personal or corporate devices and accounts, and subsequently searching for the required data.

  • Delivery Time = 72 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 85%
  • PRICE = $1800 USD


  • Delivery Time = 24 - 48 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 75%
  • PRICE = $500 USD



  • Delivery Time = 72 - 96 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 85%
  • PRICE = $900 USD



  • Delivery Time = 48 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = + 90%
  • PRICE = $500 USD

Advanced hacking services:


  • Delivery Time = 48 - 96 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 75%
  • PRICE = $1300 USD


  • Delivery Time = 48 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 75%
  • PRICE = $500 USD



  • Delivery Time = 24 - 48 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 85%
  • PRICE = $600 USD


  • Delivery Time = xyz hours after confirmation of payment (depends on the complexity of the work)
  • Success Rate = xyz%
  • PRICE = From $500 USD



The SS7 servers afford the user a multitude of engaging functionalities. One may seamlessly reroute SMS messages or telephone calls to a number of their preference, which can be leveraged to intercept one-time passwords. Furthermore, the user may monitor calls and edit the billings associated with telephone numbers, as well as avail themselves of a plethora of additional capabilities. Whilst a degree of familiarity with the telephone system is prerequisite to the effective utilisation of these servers, we provide a comprehensive private company user manual detailing the configuration and usage of the server and associated software.

  • Delivery Time = 24 hours after confirmation of payment (SOLD OUT)
  • Success Rate = 100%
  • PRICE = $8000 USD


This 0Day exploit will enable the execution of a SQL injection attack on the SS7 server, granting the user complete control over the web panel.

  • Delivery Time = 24 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = 100%
  • PRICE = $10,000 USD


  • Delivery Time = 24 - 48 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = + 90%
  • PRICE = $500 USD


  • Delivery Time = 48 hours after confirmation of payment
  • Success Rate = + 90%
  • PRICE = $500 USD


1 AIX aix/ppc/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
2 AIX aix/ppc/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
3 AIX aix/ppc/shell_interact Simply execve /bin/sh (for inetd programs)
4 AIX aix/ppc/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
5 Android android/meterpreter/reverse_http Run a meterpreter server on Android. Tunnel communication overHTTP
6 Android android/meterpreter/reverse_https Run a meterpreter server on Android. Tunnel communication overHTTPS
7 Android android/meterpreter/reverse_t***** Run a meterpreter server on Android. Connect back stager
8 Android android/shell/reverse_http Spawn a piped command shell (sh). Tunnel communication over HTTP
9 Android android/shell/reverse_https Spawn a piped command shell (sh). Tunnel communication over HTTPS
10 Android android/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a piped command shell (sh). Connect back stager
11 BSD bsd/sparc/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
12 BSD bsd/sparc/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
13 BSD bsd/x64/exec Execute an arbitrary command
14 BSD bsd/x64/shell_bind_ipv6_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell over IPv6
15 BSD bsd/x64/shell_bind_t***** Bind an arbitrary command to an arbitrary port
16 BSD bsd/x64/shell_bind_t*****_small Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
17 BSD bsd/x64/shell_reverse_ipv6_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell over IPv6
18 BSD bsd/x64/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
19 BSD bsd/x64/shell_reverse_t*****_small Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
20 BSD bsd/x86/exec Execute an arbitrary command
21 BSD bsd/x86/metsvc_bind_t***** Stub payload for interacting with a Meterpreter Service
22 BSD bsd/x86/metsvc_reverse_t***** Stub payload for interacting with a Meterpreter Service
23 BSD bsd/x86/shell/bind_ipv6_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection over IPv6
24 BSD bsd/x86/shell/bind_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection
25 BSD bsd/x86/shell/find_tag Spawn a command shell (staged). Use an established connection
26 BSD bsd/x86/shell/reverse_ipv6_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker over IPv6
27 BSD bsd/x86/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
28 BSD bsd/x86/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
29 BSD bsd/x86/shell_bind_t*****_ipv6 Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell over IPv6
30 BSD bsd/x86/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
31 BSD bsd/x86/shell_find_tag Spawn a shell on an established connection (proxy/nat safe)
32 BSD bsd/x86/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
33 BSD bsd/x86/shell_reverse_t*****_ipv6 Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell over IPv6
34 BSDI bsdi/x86/shell/bind_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection
35 BSDI bsdi/x86/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
36 BSDI bsdi/x86/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
37 BSDI bsdi/x86/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
38 BSDI bsdi/x86/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
39 CMD cmd/mainframe/generic_jcl Provide JCL which can be used to submit a job to JES2 on z/OSwhich will exit and return 0. This can be used as a template for other JCL based payloads
40 CMD cmd/mainframe/reverse_shell_jcl Provide JCL which creates a reverse shell This implmentation does not include ebcdic character translation, so a client with translation capabilities is required. MSF handles this automatically.
41 CMD cmd/unix/bind_awk Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via GNU AWK
42 CMD cmd/unix/bind_inetd Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell (persistent)
43 CMD cmd/unix/bind_lua Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via Lua
44 CMD cmd/unix/bind_netcat Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via netcat
45 CMD cmd/unix/bind_netcat_gaping Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via netcat
46 CMD cmd/unix/bind_netcat_gaping_ipv6 Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via netcat
47 CMD cmd/unix/bind_nodejs Continually listen for a connection and spawn a command shellvia nodejs
48 CMD cmd/unix/bind_perl Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via perl
49 CMD cmd/unix/bind_perl_ipv6 Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via perl
50 CMD cmd/unix/bind_ruby Continually listen for a connection and spawn a command shellvia Ruby
51 CMD cmd/unix/bind_ruby_ipv6 Continually listen for a connection and spawn a command shellvia Ruby
52 CMD cmd/unix/bind_zsh Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via Zsh. Note: Although Zsh is often available, please be aware it isn’t usually installed by default.
53 CMD cmd/unix/generic Executes the supplied command
54 CMD cmd/unix/interact Interacts with a shell on an established socket connection
55 CMD cmd/unix/reverse Creates an interactive shell through two inbound connections
56 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_awk Creates an interactive shell via GNU AWK
57 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_bash Creates an interactive shell via bash’s builtin /dev/t*****. Thiswill not work on most Debian-based Linux distributions (including Ubuntu) because they compile bash without the /dev/t***** feature.
58 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_bash_telnet_ssl
59 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_lua Creates an interactive shell via Lua
60 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_netcat Creates an interactive shell via netcat
61 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_netcat_gaping Creates an interactive shell via netcat
62 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_nodejs Continually listen for a connection and spawn a command shellvia nodejs
63 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_openssl Creates an interactive shell through two inbound connections
64 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_perl Creates an interactive shell via perl
65 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_perl_ssl Creates an interactive shell via perl, uses SSL
66 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_php_ssl Creates an interactive shell via php, uses SSL
67 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_python Connect back and create a command shell via Python
68 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_python_ssl Creates an interactive shell via python, uses SSL, encodes with base64 by design.
69 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_ruby Connect back and create a command shell via Ruby
70 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_ruby_ssl Connect back and create a command shell via Ruby, uses SSL
71 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_ssl_double_telnet Creates an interactive shell through two inbound connections,encrypts using SSL via “-z” option
72 CMD cmd/unix/reverse_zsh Connect back and create a command shell via Zsh. Note: Although Zsh is often available, please be aware it isn’t usually installed by default.
73 CMD cmd/windows/adduser
74 CMD cmd/windows/bind_lua Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via Lua
75 CMD cmd/windows/bind_perl Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via perl (persistent)
76 CMD cmd/windows/bind_perl_ipv6 Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via perl (persistent)
77 CMD cmd/windows/bind_ruby Continually listen for a connection and spawn a command shellvia Ruby
78 CMD cmd/windows/download_eval_vbs Downloads a file from an HTTP(S) URL and executes it as a vbsscript. Use it to stage a vbs encoded payload from a short command line.
79 CMD cmd/windows/download_exec_vbs Download an EXE from an HTTP(S) URL and execute it
80 CMD cmd/windows/generic Executes the supplied command
81 CMD cmd/windows/powershell_bind_t***** Interacts with a powershell session on an established socket connection
82 CMD cmd/windows/powershell_reverse_t*****
83 CMD cmd/windows/reverse_lua Creates an interactive shell via Lua
84 CMD cmd/windows/reverse_perl Creates an interactive shell via perl
85 CMD cmd/windows/reverse_powershell Connect back and create a command shell via Powershell
86 CMD cmd/windows/reverse_ruby Connect back and create a command shell via Ruby
87 Firefox firefox/exec
88 Firefox firefox/shell_bind_t***** Creates an interactive shell via Javascript with access to Firefox’s XPCOM API
89 Firefox firefox/shell_reverse_t***** Creates an interactive shell via Javascript with access to Firefox’s XPCOM API
90 Generic generic/custom Use custom string or file as payload. Set either PAYLOADFILE or PAYLOADSTR.
91 Generic generic/debug_trap Generate a debug trap in the target process
92 Generic generic/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
93 Generic generic/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
94 Generic generic/tight_loop Generate a tight loop in the target process
95 JAVA java/jsp_shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
96 JAVA java/jsp_shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
97 JAVA java/meterpreter/bind_t***** Run a meterpreter server in Java. Listen for a connection
98 JAVA java/meterpreter/reverse_http Run a meterpreter server in Java. Tunnel communication over HTTP
99 JAVA java/meterpreter/reverse_https Run a meterpreter server in Java. Tunnel communication over HTTPS
100 JAVA java/meterpreter/reverse_t***** Run a meterpreter server in Java. Connect back stager
101 JAVA java/shell/bind_t***** Spawn a piped command shell (cmd.exe on Windows, /bin/sh everywhere else). Listen for a connection
102 JAVA java/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a piped command shell (cmd.exe on Windows, /bin/sh everywhere else). Connect back stager
103 JAVA java/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
104 Linux linux/armbe/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
105 Linux linux/armle/adduser Create a new user with UID 0
106 Linux linux/armle/exec Execute an arbitrary command
107 Linux linux/armle/mettle/bind_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Listen for a connection
108 Linux linux/armle/mettle/reverse_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Connect back to theattacker
109 Linux linux/armle/shell/bind_t***** dup2 socket in r12, then execve. Listen for a connection
110 Linux linux/armle/shell/reverse_t***** dup2 socket in r12, then execve. Connect back to the attacker
111 Linux linux/armle/shell_bind_t***** Connect to target and spawn a command shell
112 Linux linux/armle/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
113 Linux linux/mipsbe/exec A very small shellcode for executing commands. This module issometimes helpful for testing purposes.
114 Linux linux/mipsbe/mettle/reverse_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Connect back to theattacker
115 Linux linux/mipsbe/reboot A very small shellcode for rebooting the system. This payloadis sometimes helpful for testing purposes or executing other payloads that rely on initial startup procedures.
116 Linux linux/mipsbe/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
117 Linux linux/mipsbe/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
118 Linux linux/mipsbe/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
119 Linux linux/mipsle/exec A very small shellcode for executing commands. This module issometimes helpful for testing purposes as well as on targets with extremely limited buffer space.
120 Linux linux/mipsle/mettle/reverse_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Connect back to theattacker
121 Linux linux/mipsle/reboot A very small shellcode for rebooting the system. This payloadis sometimes helpful for testing purposes.
122 Linux linux/mipsle/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
123 Linux linux/mipsle/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
124 Linux linux/mipsle/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
125 Linux linux/ppc/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
126 Linux linux/ppc/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
127 Linux linux/ppc/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
128 Linux linux/ppc64/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
129 Linux linux/ppc64/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
130 Linux linux/ppc64/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
131 Linux linux/x64/exec Execute an arbitrary command
132 Linux linux/x64/mettle/bind_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Listen for a connection
133 Linux linux/x64/mettle/reverse_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Connect back to theattacker
134 Linux linux/x64/shell/bind_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection
135 Linux linux/x64/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
136 Linux linux/x64/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
137 Linux linux/x64/shell_bind_t*****_random_port Listen for a connection in a random port and spawn a command shell. Use nmap to discover the open port: ‘nmap -sS target -p-‘.
138 Linux linux/x64/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
139 Linux linux/x64/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
140 Linux linux/x86/adduser Create a new user with UID 0
141 Linux linux/x86/chmod Runs chmod on specified file with specified mode
142 Linux linux/x86/exec Execute an arbitrary command
143 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/bind_ipv6_t***** Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Listen for anIPv6 connection (Linux x86)
144 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/bind_ipv6_t*****_uuid Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Listen for anIPv6 connection with UUID Support (Linux x86)
145 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/bind_nonx_t***** Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Listen for a connection
146 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/bind_t***** Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Listen for a connection (Linux x86)
147 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/bind_t*****_uuid Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Listen for a connection with UUID Support (Linux x86)
148 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/find_tag Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Use an established connection
149 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_ipv6_t***** Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Connect back to attacker over IPv6
150 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_nonx_t***** Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Connect back to the attacker
151 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_t***** Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Connect back to the attacker
152 Linux linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_t*****_uuid Inject the meterpreter server payload (staged). Connect back to the attacker
153 Linux linux/x86/metsvc_bind_t***** Stub payload for interacting with a Meterpreter Service
154 Linux linux/x86/metsvc_reverse_t***** Stub payload for interacting with a Meterpreter Service
155 Linux linux/x86/mettle/bind_ipv6_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Listen for an IPv6connection (Linux x86)
156 Linux linux/x86/mettle/bind_ipv6_t*****_uuid Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Listen for an IPv6connection with UUID Support (Linux x86)
157 Linux linux/x86/mettle/bind_nonx_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Listen for a connection
158 Linux linux/x86/mettle/bind_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Listen for a connection (Linux x86)
159 Linux linux/x86/mettle/bind_t*****_uuid Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Listen for a connection with UUID Support (Linux x86)
160 Linux linux/x86/mettle/find_tag Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Use an establishedconnection
161 Linux linux/x86/mettle/reverse_ipv6_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Connect back to attacker over IPv6
162 Linux linux/x86/mettle/reverse_nonx_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Connect back to theattacker
163 Linux linux/x86/mettle/reverse_t***** Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Connect back to theattacker
164 Linux linux/x86/mettle/reverse_t*****_uuid Inject the mettle server payload (staged). Connect back to theattacker
165 Linux linux/x86/read_file Read up to 4096 bytes from the local file system and write itback out to the specified file descriptor
166 Linux linux/x86/shell/bind_ipv6_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for an IPv6 connection(Linux x86)
167 Linux linux/x86/shell/bind_ipv6_t*****_uuid Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for an IPv6 connectionwith UUID Support (Linux x86)
168 Linux linux/x86/shell/bind_nonx_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection
169 Linux linux/x86/shell/bind_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection (Linuxx86)
170 Linux linux/x86/shell/bind_t*****_uuid Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection with UUID Support (Linux x86)
171 Linux linux/x86/shell/find_tag Spawn a command shell (staged). Use an established connection
172 Linux linux/x86/shell/reverse_ipv6_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to attacker overIPv6
173 Linux linux/x86/shell/reverse_nonx_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
174 Linux linux/x86/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
175 Linux linux/x86/shell/reverse_t*****_uuid Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
176 Linux linux/x86/shell_bind_ipv6_t***** Listen for a connection over IPv6 and spawn a command shell
177 Linux linux/x86/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
178 Linux linux/x86/shell_bind_t*****_random_port Listen for a connection in a random port and spawn a command shell. Use nmap to discover the open port: ‘nmap -sS target -p-‘.
179 Linux linux/x86/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
180 Linux linux/x86/shell_find_tag Spawn a shell on an established connection (proxy/nat safe)
181 Linux linux/x86/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
182 Mainframe mainframe/shell_reverse_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell. This implmentation does not include ebcdic character translation, so a client with translation capabilities is required. MSF handles this automatically.
183 Netware netware/shell/reverse_t***** Connect to the NetWare console (staged). Connect back to the attacker
184 NodeJS nodejs/shell_bind_t***** Creates an interactive shell via nodejs
185 NodeJS nodejs/shell_reverse_t***** Creates an interactive shell via nodejs
186 NodeJS nodejs/shell_reverse_t*****_ssl Creates an interactive shell via nodejs, uses SSL
187 OSX osx/armle/execute/bind_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection
188 OSX osx/armle/execute/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
189 OSX osx/armle/shell/bind_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection
190 OSX osx/armle/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
191 OSX osx/armle/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
192 OSX osx/armle/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
193 OSX osx/armle/vibrate Causes the iPhone to vibrate, only works when the AudioToolkitlibrary has been loaded. Based on work by Charlie Miller <cmiller[at]>.
194 OSX osx/ppc/shell/bind_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Listen for a connection
195 OSX osx/ppc/shell/find_tag Spawn a command shell (staged). Use an established connection
196 OSX osx/ppc/shell/reverse_t***** Spawn a command shell (staged). Connect back to the attacker
197 OSX osx/ppc/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
198 OSX osx/ppc/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
199 OSX osx/x64/dupandexecve/bind_t***** dup2 socket in edi, then execve. Listen, read length, read buffer, execute
200 OSX osx/x64/dupandexecve/reverse_t***** dup2 socket in edi, then execve. Connect, read length, read buffer, execute
201 OSX osx/x64/exec Execute an arbitrary command
202 OSX osx/x64/say Say an arbitrary string outloud using Mac OS X text2speech
203 OSX osx/x64/shell_bind_t***** Bind an arbitrary command to an arbitrary port
204 OSX osx/x64/shell_find_tag Spawn a shell on an established connection (proxy/nat safe)
205 OSX osx/x64/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
206 OSX osx/x86/bundleinject/bind_t***** Inject a custom Mach-O bundle into the exploited process. Listen, read length, read buffer, execute
207 OSX osx/x86/bundleinject/reverse_t***** Inject a custom Mach-O bundle into the exploited process. Connect, read length, read buffer, execute
208 OSX osx/x86/exec Execute an arbitrary command
209 OSX osx/x86/isight/bind_t***** Inject a Mach-O bundle to capture a photo from the iSight (staged). Listen, read length, read buffer, execute
210 OSX osx/x86/isight/reverse_t***** Inject a Mach-O bundle to capture a photo from the iSight (staged). Connect, read length, read buffer, execute
211 OSX osx/x86/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
212 OSX osx/x86/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
213 OSX osx/x86/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
214 OSX osx/x86/vforkshell/bind_t***** Call vfork() if necessary and spawn a command shell (staged).Listen, read length, read buffer, execute
215 OSX osx/x86/vforkshell/reverse_t***** Call vfork() if necessary and spawn a command shell (staged).Connect, read length, read buffer, execute
216 OSX osx/x86/vforkshell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection, vfork if necessary, and spawn a command shell
217 OSX osx/x86/vforkshell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker, vfork if necessary, and spawn a command shell
218 PHP php/bind_perl Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via perl (persistent)
219 PHP php/bind_perl_ipv6 Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via perl (persistent) over IPv6
220 PHP php/bind_php Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via php
221 PHP php/bind_php_ipv6 Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell via php (IPv6)
222 PHP php/download_exec Download an EXE from an HTTP URL and execute it
223 PHP php/exec Execute a single system command
224 PHP php/meterpreter/bind_t***** Run a meterpreter server in PHP. Listen for a connection
225 PHP php/meterpreter/bind_t*****_ipv6 Run a meterpreter server in PHP. Listen for a connection overIPv6
226 PHP php/meterpreter/bind_t*****_ipv6_uuid Run a meterpreter server in PHP. Listen for a connection overIPv6 with UUID Support
227 PHP php/meterpreter/bind_t*****_uuid Run a meterpreter server in PHP. Listen for a connection withUUID Support
228 PHP php/meterpreter/reverse_t***** Run a meterpreter server in PHP. Reverse PHP connect back stager with checks for disabled functions
229 PHP php/meterpreter/reverse_t*****_uuid Run a meterpreter server in PHP. Reverse PHP connect back stager with checks for disabled functions
230 PHP php/meterpreter_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a Meterpreter server (PHP)
231 PHP php/reverse_perl Creates an interactive shell via perl
232 PHP php/reverse_php Reverse PHP connect back shell with checks for disabled functions
233 PHP php/shell_findsock
234 Python python/meterpreter/bind_t***** Run a meterpreter server in Python (2.5-2.7 & 3.1-3.5). Listenfor a connection
235 Python python/meterpreter/bind_t*****_uuid Run a meterpreter server in Python (2.5-2.7 & 3.1-3.5). Listenfor a connection with UUID Support
236 Python python/meterpreter/reverse_http Run a meterpreter server in Python (2.5-2.7 & 3.1-3.5). Tunnelcommunication over HTTP
237 Python python/meterpreter/reverse_https Run a meterpreter server in Python (2.5-2.7 & 3.1-3.5). Tunnelcommunication over HTTP using SSL
238 Python python/meterpreter/reverse_t***** Run a meterpreter server in Python (2.5-2.7 & 3.1-3.5). Connect back to the attacker
239 Python python/meterpreter/reverse_t*****_uuid Run a meterpreter server in Python (2.5-2.7 & 3.1-3.5). Connect back to the attacker with UUID Support
240 Python python/meterpreter_bind_t***** Connect to the victim and spawn a Meterpreter shell
241 Python python/meterpreter_reverse_http Connect back to the attacker and spawn a Meterpreter shell
242 Python python/meterpreter_reverse_https Connect back to the attacker and spawn a Meterpreter shell
243 Python python/meterpreter_reverse_t***** Connect back to the attacker and spawn a Meterpreter shell
244 Python python/shell_reverse_t***** Creates an interactive shell via python, encodes with base64 by design. Compatible with Python 2.3.3
245 Python python/shell_reverse_t*****_ssl Creates an interactive shell via python, uses SSL, encodes with base64 by design.
246 Ruby ruby/shell_bind_t***** Continually listen for a connection and spawn a command shellvia Ruby
247 Ruby ruby/shell_bind_t*****_ipv6 Continually listen for a connection and spawn a command shellvia Ruby
248 Ruby ruby/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back and create a command shell via Ruby
249 Ruby ruby/shell_reverse_t*****_ssl Connect back and create a command shell via Ruby, uses SSL
250 Solaris solaris/sparc/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
251 Solaris solaris/sparc/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
252 Solaris solaris/sparc/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
253 Solaris solaris/x86/shell_bind_t***** Listen for a connection and spawn a command shell
254 Solaris solaris/x86/shell_find_port Spawn a shell on an established connection
255 Solaris solaris/x86/shell_reverse_t***** Connect back to attacker and spawn a command shell
256 TTY tty/unix/interact Interacts with a TTY on an established socket connection
257 Windows windows/adduser
258 Windows windows/dllinject/bind_hidden_ipknock_t*****
259 Windows windows/dllinject/bind_hidden_t***** Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Listen for a connectionfrom a hidden port and spawn a command shell to the allowed host.
260 Windows windows/dllinject/bind_ipv6_t***** Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Listen for an IPv6 connection (Windows x86)
261 Windows windows/dllinject/bind_ipv6_t*****_uuid Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Listen for an IPv6 connection with UUID Support (Windows x86)
262 Windows windows/dllinject/bind_nonx_t***** Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Listen for a connection(No NX)
263 Windows windows/dllinject/bind_t***** Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Listen for a connection(Windows x86)
264 Windows windows/dllinject/bind_t*****_rc4 Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Listen for a connection
265 Windows windows/dllinject/bind_t*****_uuid Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Listen for a connectionwith UUID Support (Windows x86)
266 Windows windows/dllinject/find_tag Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Use an established connection
267 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_hop_http Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Tunnel communication over an HTTP or HTTPS hop point. Note that you must first upload data/hop/hop.php to the PHP server you wish to use as a hop.
268 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_http Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Tunnel communication over HTTP (Windows wininet)
269 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_http_proxy_pstore Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Tunnel communication over HTTP
270 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_ipv6_t***** Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Connect back to the attacker over IPv6
271 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_nonx_t***** Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Connect back to the attacker (No NX)
272 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_ord_t***** Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Connect back to the attacker
273 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_t***** Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Connect back to the attacker
274 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_t*****_allports Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Try to connect back to the attacker, on all possible ports (1-65535, slowly)
275 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_t*****_dns Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Connect back to the attacker
276 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_t*****_rc4 Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Connect back to the attacker
277 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_t*****_rc4_dns Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Connect back to the attacker
278 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_t*****_uuid Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Connect back to the attacker with UUID Support
279 Windows windows/dllinject/reverse_winhttp Inject a DLL via a reflective loader. Tunnel communication over HTTP (Windows winhttp)
280 Windows windows/dns_txt_query_exec Performs a TXT query against a series of DNS record(s) and executes the returned payload
281 Windows windows/download_exec Download an EXE from an HTTP(S)/FTP URL and execute it
282 Windows windows/exec Execute an arbitrary command
283 Windows windows/format_all_drives
284 Windows windows/loadlibrary Load an arbitrary library path
285 Windows windows/messagebox Spawns a dialog via MessageBox using a customizable title, text & icon
286 Windows windows/meterpreter/bind_hidden_ipknock_t*****
287 Windows windows/meterpreter/bind_hidden_t***** Inject the meterpreter server DLL via the Reflective Dll Injection payload (staged). Listen for a connection from a hidden port and spawn a command shell to the allowed host.
288 Windows windows/meterpreter/bind_ipv6_t***** Inject the meterpreter server DLL via the Reflective Dll Injection payload (staged). Listen for an IPv6 connection (Windows x86)
289 Windows windows/meterpreter/bind_ipv6_t*****_uuid Inject the meterpreter server DLL via the Reflective Dll Injection payload (staged). Listen for an IPv6 connection with UUID Support (Windows x86)
290 Windows windows/meterpreter/bind_nonx_t***** Inject the meterpreter server DLL via the Reflective Dll Injection payload (staged). Listen for a connection (No NX)
And much more...


We have a remarkable proficiency in the realm of professional hacking certifications, encompassing a diverse array of accreditations such as CISM, CEH, CRISC, CISSP, CCSP, etc. including Red Team Assessment, Penetration Testing, and IOT Security.

In light of the aforementioned expertise, we are pleased to offer a range of exclusive services catered to our esteemed clientele. These include, but are not limited to, comprehensive penetration testing, the simulation of sophisticated system attacks, as well as advanced programming solutions, or other similar projects.

PRICE = From $7000 USD


Our prices reflect the calibre of our work and the depth of our expertise. We are committed to delivering successful outcomes for our clients, and this commitment is the driving force behind our pricing model.
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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby ethical hacker » Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:45 pm

Last edited by ethical hacker on Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:04 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby rod.rene » Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:20 pm

How it's going? Can u PM please, interested in Gmail hacking account, ty

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ethical hacker
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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby ethical hacker » Sun Apr 21, 2024 1:31 am

rod.rene wrote:How it's going? Can u PM please, interested in Gmail hacking account, ty

Thanks for your interest, check your PM.
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Herbert Mccarth
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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby Herbert Mccarth » Wed May 01, 2024 3:41 am

Hi there, I need to hack an OF account, please let me know if you can do it

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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby ahmedalsh » Sun May 05, 2024 10:28 pm

Hey ,i need to hack my college site to alter grades .can u pm me and can we negotiate about the price cuz it's too high to affordable

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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby ethical hacker » Tue May 07, 2024 8:49 pm

Okay, everyone check your inbox.
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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby Goodknight » Fri May 17, 2024 8:16 am

Yoo pm me when you have time bruv

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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby ethical hacker » Mon May 20, 2024 2:33 am

Goodknight wrote:Yoo pm me when you have time bruv

Okay, please check your inbox.
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Re: Professional Hacking Services ESCROW ACCEPTED--- 0Day Exploits, Hacked Servers, RATs, DDOS, Custom Payloads, SS7...

Postby fma5X5 » Mon May 20, 2024 3:42 pm

hack images server "sun{X}-{X}"
is this possible?

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